Qualität bei NAUERT & CO. KG


We work according to the highest standards. Quality assurance through regular supplier audits, as well as long-term loyalty and trust-based partnerships, give us and our clients the necessary security.

We have a strict and standardized internal quality management system, which has been audited by the Hamburg Authority for Health and Consumer Protection.

We only deliver quality products with a special focus on European origin.

We provide all necessary documents:

  • GMP Certificate (Good Manufacturing Practice)
  • Certificate of Analysis (CoA)
  • Material safety data sheets (MSDS)
  • Technical data sheets (TDS)
  • Product specifications
  • DMF (Drug Master Files)
  • CEP (Certificate of Suitablility)

Safety at a glance:

  • Quality assurance through batch-related Certifcate of Analysis
  • Continoues deliveries of related qualities
  • Strict Qualitymanagment-System
  • Transparent and seamless product tracability
  • Specialization of quality products of European origin
  • Product-specific storage
  • Analysis by independent external testing laboratories